Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
The four-year Bachelor of Science program in Manufacturing Engineering (MFE) is one of few such programs in the nation that are dedicated to undergraduate manufacturing engineering education. The Manufacturing Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
The overall Manufacturing Engineering curriculum consists of major components of mathematics (through Differential Equations and Calculus III), basic sciences, engineering sciences, humanities and fine arts, and social and behavioral sciences, together with the Engineering major requirements that can be grouped into the following topic areas:
- Materials and Manufacturing Processes
- Process Assembly and Product Engineering
- Manufacturing Productivity and Quality
- Manufacturing Integration Methods and Systems Design
Throughout the curriculum, emphasis is given to the engineering design function and computer applications.
Exceptional programs
The overall Manufacturing Engineering curriculum consists of strong components of mathematics, basic sciences, engineering sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
The four-year BS degree program in Manufacturing Engineering (MFE) is one of few such programs in the nation which are dedicated to undergraduate manufacturing engineering education. The Manufacturing Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.