- Ensure projects are related to course learning objectives
- Be with the student to assist them
- Partner with practitioners in the field of study
- Give feedback
- Encourage student to trust their ideas and think outside the box
- Be clear on expectations
- Give the student creative leeway
- Envision the workload you want the student to put into the project
- Take the opportunity to help a student because it is rewarding
- Start early
- Be firm and encouraging
- Let the student help you accomplish a task, achieve a goal, work through an idea, prove a point, etc.
- Get the student to move beyond their comfort zones and try something different
- Move the goalpost for their own sense of excellence
- Review the guidelines and be open to student ideas
- Schedule time to meet with students and get to know them first
- Include student in creation of a project to encourage engagement
- Use calendars
Advice from ProfessorsExperienced In-Course Honors Project Supervisors