a student and professor in an anatomy lab at Central State University

Academic Affairs

Amy Hobbs Harris

Central State University recently selected Amy Hobbs Harris, Ph.D., as its next interim provost and vice president for the Office of Academic Affairs. 

The former dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (now the College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education). Hobbs Harris completed her doctorate degree at the University of Maryland, College Park, with a dissertation on the influence of the women's club movement on Progressive Era women writers and has published biographical entries for the Online Biographical Dictionary of the Woman Suffrage Movement and the Maryland Women's Hall of Fame. She collaborated with the Central State archivist to produce the video series, "A Walk Through Local African American History," about the early Wilberforce community. 

In addition, she has published academic essays on Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and the elocutionist Hallie Quinn Brown. Her research interest in elocution was developed during a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute on Paul Laurence Dunbar and American Literary History.

Provost's Staff

Explore Central

  • The College of Business offers three-year degree programs, undergraduate programs in Accounting and Business Administration with eight concentrations, and a Master of Business Administration with two specializations. Learn more

  • The College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education offers three-year degree programs, including a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and prepares future educators who understand the dynamics of teaching in a complex and diverse society. It also includes the Grammy Award-nominated CSU Chorus, Invincible Marching Marauders, and WCSU Radio. Learn more

  • The John W. Garland College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture houses the University's 1890 Land-Grant programs and Military Science studies for the ROTC program. Learn more

  • The Honors College is an interdisciplinary home for highly motivated and high-achieving students. Students' commitment to excellence, leadership in community service, and impressive academic records qualify them to join the honors community — a select group of highly motivated, energetic, imaginative, and dedicated student leaders and scholars.

    Learn about the Center for International Education here.

  • Hallie Q. Brown Memorial Library contains the University's library collections of more than 300,000 volumes, over 847,163 pieces of microfiche and microfilm, 66 print current periodical titles, 30,000 bound volumes of periodicals, and collections of phonograph records, tapes, CDs, DVDs, and film. E-books account for over 100,000 and E-journals over 64,000. The library also houses the Production Lab, a Computer Lab, and the Information Literacy Research Room. 

  • The Office of Academic Planning and Assessment (OAPA) supports the scholarly, administrative, and fiscal infrastructures required to enhance the University's academic programs, manage institutional growth, maintain accreditations, and achieve the objectives of the University's strategic plan. The OAPA facilitates and supports institutional and program accreditations, assessment of student learning, and program review. Included within the OAPA are the Office of Institutional Research and the Center for Teaching and Learning.

  • The Office of the Registrar supports the University by providing services to students, faculty, and staff while ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of academic records.  In coordination with various campus offices, we uphold academic policies related to class and event schedules, academic catalog, registration services, degree verifications, grade processing, and degree audit configuration.

  • Office of Mentoring Programs

    The Central State University Office of Mentoring Programs works to enhance positive undergraduate students’ experiences. The mentoring program is designed to increase retention, persistence, and graduation rates among undergraduate students and help students develop relationships with their peers, faculty, staff, and administrators.

    TRIO Student Support Services

    TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) aims to help student students persist through their unique challenges to graduate from college. TRIO Student Support Services, one of eight federal TRIO programs, is authorized by the Higher Education Act to help college students succeed in higher education. The program’s design is structured for students from first-generation, low-income families and those with disabilities who have not had the academic opportunities of other college peers. As such, SSS provides participants (freshmen through seniors) with a comprehensive, researched-based framework with measurable objectives, intentionally aligned with the University’s mission and strategic goals.

    Upward Bound

    The Office of TRIO Upward Bound Program (CSU-UB) is a pre-college program of robust academic instruction, tutoring, and counseling. The CSU-UB program provides high school students with an opportunity to enhance the academic skills necessary to successfully complete high school and enroll in and graduate from college.

  • Central State Global believes all students should be given the opportunity to achieve their dream of earning a degree while still managing life no matter who they are or where they are. We take pride in offering a variety of online degree programs and are extremely appreciative of the partnerships that have played a critical role in our experiencing record growth in enrollment.

  • Central State University has established bilateral transfer agreements between select colleges and universities. These agreements create discipline-specific pathways that support student mobility, access, and degree completion. The articulation agreements support the transfer of students in programs from associate to baccalaureate and from baccalaureate to graduate and professional programs.

    Our articulation agreements offer transfer opportunities for students attending community colleges to continue their education and earn a baccalaureate degree at Central State. Any Ohio resident with an associate degree and a completed, approved transfer module shall be admitted to Central State University provided their GPA is at least 2.0 for all previous college-level courses. In planning their course of study, students are encouraged to consult with an advisor at their home and transfer educational institutions.