
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research


The mission of the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research (OSP&R) is to maximize the success of Central State University in winning and executing project and program awards in the form of grants, contracts, and sponsored research.

Grants and contracts from government and private entities provide essential support for the sustenance and growth of the University. The OSP&R is the focal point for ensuring the University is successful in winning a reasonable number of such projects in the short and long term. It also aims to produce successes in the administration and execution of those projects once they are awarded. In general, sponsored activities are directly related to the three-fold mission of the institution: research, teaching, and public service.

Support research at Central State

In addition to funding from state and national entities, Central State supporters and friends can help advance research and scholarly activities for students, faculty, and staff. 

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activities Day

Three people conduct research in a wooden area at Central State University. They are wearing hardhats. One is holding a clipboard.

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activities Day is an inspiring and innovative event that showcases the exemplary work of students, faculty, and staff.


Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activities Day is designed to recognize Central State University faculty, staff, and students for exemplary work on research or scholarly activities during the past year. This includes poster presentations from faculty, staff and students. 

Do you know someone whose innovative research should be featured at Research and Scholarly Activities Day, or are you interested in bringing you research? Fill out our nomination form.

Submit Nomination     Submit Presentation

Staff directory

Our staff is here to help researchers develop exciting new technologies and advances in agriculture, medicine, and more. To contact us, follow the link below.