Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance
Central State is committed to maintaining an atmosphere conducive to research integrity, prevention and detection of research misconduct, and maintain and effectively communicate and train staff regarding policies and procedures. Faculty, staff and students must adhere to university policies and procedures as detailed below.
- Schedule of IRB meetings
- Policy 309, Procedure 309.1
- IRB bylaws
- Checklist for conducting research involving human subjects
- Application to IRB for the protection of human subjects in research
- Consent to participate in research
- Consent to participate in an interview
- Does my research qualify for expedited review?
- Schedule of IRB meetings
This policy applies to all faculty/staff members who apply for, receive, or are currently working on a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, subgrant, subcontract, or sub-cooperative agreement that is funded in whole or in part by external funds.
Forms must be submitted every academic year.
Faculty, staff, and students working on research funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies are required to complete the Responsible Conduct of Research course. It is offered online through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative. Other students conducting research are also encouraged to take the course.
Please visit the link below to complete the training. All project directors and principal investigators who submit applications to the IRB are required to complete the Human Subjects Research course as part of the application process. When completing the training, please note that in Step 7, you must select the appropriate course that pertains to you.
- Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research
- Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research
- Humanities Responsible Conduct of Research
- Responsible Conduct of Research for Administrators
- Responsible Conduct of Research for Engineers
- Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research
- Biomedical Research Human Subjects Course
- Social/Behavioral Human Subjects Research Course
- IRB Member\Conflicts of Interest
- Getting started with CITI
- Visit CITI Program to complete the training
- Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research