Honors College Convocation Medallions

Honors College Requirements & Curriculum

Honors College Requirements & Curriculum

  • Honors College requirements are for the student to remain in good standing with Central State University and the Honors College and to complete the Honors College curriculum. 
  • Honors College curriculum consists of the completion of In-Course Honors Projects and honors course sections.
    • More information on In-Course Honors Projects can be found below.
    • Available course sections varies each term. Speak with your academic advisor to sign up for these courses, to understand the requirements for successful completion, and to track your academic standing in the Honors College.  
  • The Honors College also encourages student participation in internships, externships, leadership activity, and other extra curricular activities provided by the University, the Honors College, and external partners. 
  • To recognize successful completion of the curriculum at graduation, admitted Honors Students in good standing have four options for graduating with Honors College Designations (General Honors, Honors in the Major, University Honors, and International Honors).
  • All CSU students, including Honors College members, are eligible to graduate with an academic distinction (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude) or to receive a gold cord.
  • For each designation and academic distinction, Honors College members will be given a medallion. 

General Honors

    • Working with the Honors Advisor, select ONE of the following options:
      • in-course honors projects in courses that count toward the student’s General Education course requirements 
      • 3 honors sections of General Education courses
      • 2 in-course honors projects and 1 honors section of a General Education course
      • 1 in-course honors project and 2 honors sections of General Education courses
    • B grade or above in the courses in which honors projects were completed
    • 3.5 Cumulative GPA
    • To receive any Honors College designation, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the time of graduation

Honors in the Major

    • in-course honors projects in courses which are required for the student's major or from courses which are approved electives for the major
    • B grade or above in the courses in which honors projects were completed
    • 3.5 Cumulative GPA
    • To receive any Honors College designation, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the time of graduation

University Honors

  • Honors Students who complete both the General Honors and Honors in the Major requirements and graduate with a 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA will receive University Honors.

    • B grade or above in the courses in which honors projects were completed
    • 3.5 Cumulative GPA
    • To receive any Honors College designation, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the time of graduation

International Honors

    • Honors Students who participate in and return from a University-led or approved study abroad program will:
      • Coordinate with the Honors College to provide a campus- and community-wide presentation
      • Discuss the process undertaken to participate in study abroad
      • Describe the study abroad program in detail
      • Provide details about the country or countries to which the student traveled (geography, culture, demographics, industry, government, etc)
      • Describe life in the country or countries visited from your perspective
      • Discuss what was learned from the experience and what the experience means to the student
    • To receive any Honors College designation, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the time of graduation
    • Honors Students who are citizens of another country and who have completed at least one semester in the US will:
      • Coordinate with the Honors College to provide a campus- and community-wide presentation
      • Discuss the process undertaken to come to Central State University and the United States to study
      • Describe the positives and negatives of coming to the US to attend CSU
      • Provide details about the country or countries from which the student came (geography, culture, demographics, industry, government, etc)
      • Describe life in the country or countries in which you have lived
      • Discuss what has been learned from studying in the US and what the experience means to the student
    • To receive any Honors College designation, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the time of graduation

Academic Distinctions

  • 3.90 or higher GPA for all work completed

  • 3.75 to 3.89 GPA for all work completed

  • 3.60 to 3.74 GPA for all work completed