Ohio's College Credit Plus (CCP) program can empower students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously by taking courses at community colleges and universities. As Ohio's only public Historically Black College or University and 1890 Land-Grant Institution, Central State University offers a unique approach to learning, promoting academic rigor and positive learning experiences for students from diverse backgrounds. Plus, Central State is among the most affordable four-year public universities in Ohio.
Benefits of College Credit Plus
- Start college early
- Reduce the cost of college
- Reduce time to graduate
- Develop your college identity
College Credit Plus classes are offered on local high school campuses, on campus at Central State University, and online.
Get a head start
Ohio's only Historically Black College or University (HBCU) offers unique opportunities for students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously. Get started by applying today!
Admission requirements
A student is eligible for the College Credit Plus program if the student meets any of the following criteria:
- Obtains a remediation-free ACT/SAT, or Accuplacer test score; or
- Has a cumulative unweighted high school grade point average of at least 3.00; or
- Has a cumulative unweighted high school grade point average of at least 2.75 but less than 3.00 and received an "A" or "B" grade in a relevant high school course.
If a student is seeking to enroll as a College Credit Plus student when a cumulative unweighted high school grade point average is not available to determine eligibility, then the student's academic record will be evaluated to determine if the student has received an "A" or "B" grade in a relevant high school coursework.
Additional requirements for homeschooling and non-public school students
Students attending home school or non-public school must comply with CSU Admissions requirements and follow the Ohio Department of Education guidelines to apply for funding or pay out of pocket for tuition fees, and books.
Course offerings
Get a jump-start on your university education. Below is a list of eligible College Credit Plus courses at Central State.
These courses meet the Level 1 criteria set by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and must be completed by each CCP student.
- ENG 1101 — Introduction to College Writing
- ENG 1102 — Writing & Researching the Essay
- MTH 1750 — College Algebra
Level 1 courses are designed to give students exposure to potential majors and career fields. Students should consult with their school counselor before enrolling in classes. Students must meet all prerequisites before enrolling in these additional Level 1 courses.
Science (non-major pathway)
- BIO 1500 — Environmental Sciences with Lab
- CHM 1150 — Elements of Chemistry with Lab
- PSY 1120 — Physical Science (no lab)
Science (major pathway)
Science majors include agriculture, biology, chemistry, engineering, and water resources management.
- MTH 2501 — Trigonometry
- CHEM 1201 — General Chemistry I with Lab
- BIO 1801 — Fundamentals Biology I with Lab
- AGR 1150 — Intro to Sustainable Agriculture OR WRM 2200 — Intro to Water Resources Management
Agriculture Education pathway
- AGR 1150 — Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture
- AGB 2300 — Introduction to Agribusiness
- AGED 1010 — Community Advocacy in Agriculture
Business pathway
- BUS 1100 — Contemporary American Business
- ECO 2210 — Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 2220 — Principles of Macroeconomics
- ACC 2210 — Financial Accounting
Education pathway
- EDU 2300 — Educational Psychology
- EDU 2600 — Introduction to Teacher Education
Humanities Pathway (including Pre-Law)
- ENG 2200 Introduction to Literary Studies
- HIS 2202 History of the US Since 1877
- PHI 2240 Critical Thinking
The General Education Core for colleges in Ohio requires a minimum of two social and behavioral sciences, one humanity, one history, and one science course. Students are required to complete 15 credit hours of Level 1 courses before completing Level 2 courses.
Social and Behavioral Sciences (take two)
- SOC 1105 — Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1125 — Social Problems
- PSC 1100 — American and National Government
- COM 2214 — Public Speaking
- ECO 2210 — Principles of Microeconomics
- PSY 1200 — Introduction to Psychology
- GEO 1100 — Fundamentals of Geography
- GEO 1101 — World Geography: Western Hemisphere
- GEO 1103 — World Geography: Eastern Hemisphere
Mathematics and Science (take one)
- MTH 2501 — Trigonometry
- BIO 1100 — Organismal Biology with Lab
- GEL 1101 — Physical Geology
- GEL 1110 — Oceanography
- WRM 2200 — Introduction to Water Resources Management
Humanities (take one)
- ART 1210 — Introduction to Art
- ENG 2200 Introduction to Literary Studies
- ENG 2100 Great Books Great Films
- HIS 2202 History of the US Since 1877
- MUS 1140 — Music Appreciation
- PHI 2240 — Critical Thinking
History (take one)
- HIS 1121 — Global History to 1500
- HIS 1110 — History of Africans in the U.S.
Central State University requires a computer applications course.
- BUS 1500 — Comp. Applications for Business
Requirements for submitting documents
You must upload and attach your test scores and high school transcript to your application.
Questions about College Credit Plus?
For more information about applying as a College Credit Plus student, please contact:
Make your move
College Credit Plus classes are offered on local high school campuses, on campus at Central State University, and online. Complete the Undergraduate (campus) Admission Application today to start your journey!