Interfaith Campus Ministry at Central State University is a cooperative ecumenical ministry supported by a consortium of denominations and local churches. We are open to students, staff, faculty, and administrators of all faith traditions and welcome those who are seeking to understand spirituality.
What is Interfaith Campus Ministry?
Interfaith Campus Ministry is designed to support a variety of teaching, worshiping, and service ministries for students, faculty, and staff at Central State. Promoting acceptance of diverse faiths, traditions, and cultures, Interfaith empowers individuals in a faith-based atmosphere where people can explore and grow in their beliefs while developing an appreciation for the beliefs of others.
Your faith on campus
Interfaith promotes the idea that every entity on campus must actively participate in the learning and discovery that each student engages in each day. This is because learning and discovery are the paramount purposes for all students. It is in that spirit that we seek to inform students, faculty, and administrators about all faith traditions and to stimulate dialogue where religious engagement and tolerance can begin. We believe this is an essential aspect of the development and engagement of young adults’ minds.
Interfaith Campus Ministry
Campus ministries uniquely connect churches, institutions of higher education, and the community, helping students matriculate through college to be service- and community-minded while defining their faith. Learn more: 937-376-6566.