Central State University hosts inaugural Career Signing Day

By Central State University Communications
Posted Mar 29 2024
six students sit work together around a table in a bird's eye view with a maroon overlay

Central State University's Office of Career Services is proud to announce its inaugural Career Signing Day, celebrating the achievements of students who have committed to internships, permanent employment positions, or graduate school programs.

Following the model of traditional athletic signing days, this event recognizes the hard work and dedication of students as they embark on their professional journeys.

Scheduled for April 3, 2024, from 2-4 p.m., in the University Student Center on campus, Career Signing Day will feature a ceremony honoring the students' achievements, with speeches from University officials, alumni, and industry leaders. Attendees will witness the ceremonial signing of employment contracts, internship agreements, and letters of intent for graduate studies, symbolizing the students' commitment to their future endeavors.

"This event is a testament to the outstanding talent and preparation of our students by the entire campus community," said Lisa G. Dunn, Interim Director of the Office of Career Services at Central State University.

"Career Signing Day also highlights the close partnership between our University and industry partners, as we work together to support the professional development of our students."

Central State University prides itself on providing students with opportunities for experiential learning, professional development, and career advancement. Career Signing Day underscores the University's commitment to prepare students for success in their chosen fields.