City of Cincinnati celebrates HBCU Week with alumni spotlight

Posted Oct 19 2023
Central State University graduate LeShawn Braxton, a city of Cincinnati employee, recognized during HBCU Week

Photo credit: David Chimusoro 

The city of Cincinnati celebrated HBCU Week by spotlighting five proud alumni of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, including a graduate of Central State University. 

Alumnus LeShawn Braxton said attending Central State changed the trajectory of his career.

"My grades were mediocre when I graduated from high school. I wasn't able to get into the few colleges that I applied to," he said. "If it wasn't for Central State University accepting and welcoming me with open arms, my entire career path would have been much different. Central State opened my eyes and nurtured me to become the man that I am today. Little did I know at the time, the beautiful campus in the middle of the corn fields in Wilberforce, Ohio helped me establish a foundation built with love, motivation, determination, respect and faith that carried me all the way through college and twenty-seven years later."

"As a Centralian, we are prideful alumni who pay reverence to our past. While receiving my training at Central State, I never wanted to forget the reason why I was there. More importantly, I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it and represent my name and CSU the best that I could."

Read more about the impact of HBCUs on the city's dedicated employees in City Celebrates HBCU Week.