Dayton Daily News: Local leaders and experts weigh in on region's future

Posted Sep 01 2023
Dayton Ohio with flowers in the foreground

The Dayton Daily News recently spoke with local leaders and experts in the business, healthcare, government, and education sectors about their vision for the future of Dayton, Ohio. Two experts with ties to Central State University weighed in.

Water quality

Ramanitharan Kandiah, chair of the Department of Water Resources Management and professor of Environmental Engineering at Central State University

Dr Ramani Kandiah
Ramanitharan Kandiah

“In the coming decades, climate change can impact the water resources and how we use and protect them in the Miami Valley. However, thanks to the geology, we in the Miami Valley have plenty of water in the aquifer for the near future....Reduced water use, prevention of water source contamination, remediation and mitigation of the already contaminated source, water workforce development and continuous water education and training, educating and engaging the community, the financial stability for the water projects, and the timely water policy and regulations are few areas we need to focus in Dayton and its vicinity in the next 25 years.”


Alcinda Folck, interim associate extension director and state program leader for Agriculture and Natural Resources at Central State University

Alcinda Folck
Alcinda Folck

“Innovation and technology have been essential in agriculture to create a food system that is the leading employer of people in Ohio. However, we have food deserts in communities that lack access to fresh food to create nutritional, healthy meals for individuals and families. The future of agriculture will be utilizing innovation and technology to create local food systems that promote sustainable farms in local areas to increase access for healthy foods. Creating these micro-systems, that provide sustainability for communities, will be key in the advancement of agriculture.”

Hear from leaders in other sectors in Local leaders and experts weigh in on future Dayton.