Navigating accreditation: Ensuring excellence at Central State University

By Alissa Paolella, Communications Manager
Posted Jul 11 2024
central state university students sit around a table with a sign saying service in the background

Accreditation plays a pivotal role in the educational landscape, offering institutions a stamp of approval that extends far beyond mere prestige. At Ohio’s only public Historically Black College or University (HBCU), accreditation is a testament to Central State University’s dedication to upholding the highest standards, safeguarding crucial federal funding, and guaranteeing the excellence of its esteemed academic programs. 

dr. margery coulson-clark wearing a blue suit jacket pearls glasses and a central state university lapel pin
Margery Coulson-Clark, Ph.D.

In a recent conversation with Margery Coulson-Clark, Ph.D., former vice provost for Teaching, Learning, and Program Development, we gained insights into the University's accreditation journey and its broader implications. 

Coulson-Clark oversees accreditation processes, coordinating responses across departments and stakeholders. This role ensures the University’s readiness for accreditation reviews and facilitates continuous improvement based on accreditation feedback. 

Institutional and divisional accreditations 

Central State University maintains a robust accreditation profile essential for its academic programs and Institutional standing. Currently accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) through 2033, Central State upholds standards across various academic disciplines: 

  • Business: Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The next accreditation review visit is in spring 2025. 
  • Engineering: Programs like Manufacturing Engineering and Water Resource Management are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). The next visit is in spring 2027. 
  • Biology: Recognized at the Silver Level of Progression toward Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE) certification. 
  • Education: Accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The next visit is in spring 2027. 
  • Social Work: Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The next visit is in summer 2029. 
  • Art: Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). The next visit is in 2033. 
  • Music: Accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). Central State is awaiting the results from its spring 2024 review. 
  • Central State Global, the University’s online division: Accredited by the National Accreditation and Equivalency Council of the Bahamas (NAECOB), certified by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), and approved for online courses through the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NCSARA). 

Central State University ensures compliance through rigorous internal processes. Each department aligns with accrediting body criteria, supported by national training and ongoing assessment. The University integrates accreditation feedback to enhance academic offerings and maintain Institutional and programmatic excellence. The University also provides annual reports to accrediting bodies to maintain accreditation, involving detailed data submissions on enrollment, finances, and Institutional operations.  

The significance of accreditation is not only compliance; it's a gateway to federal funding, including Pell Grants, crucial for the approximately 90% of Central State students who qualify. Coulson-Clark stressed that accreditation ensures Central State meets minimum standards of excellence, assuring students that their degrees adhere to national benchmarks leading to careers after graduation. Without accreditation, federal funds are inaccessible, making it imperative for the University to maintain a robust accreditation status across its programs and divisions. 

Maintaining compliance and enhancing offerings 

Ensuring compliance with accreditation standards involves meticulous planning, budgeting, and Institutional effectiveness assessments. Coulson-Clark highlighted the comprehensive reviews conducted by accrediting bodies, which scrutinize every facet of the University's operations. These reviews identify areas for improvement and commend exemplary practices, fostering continuous enhancement of academic offerings and administrative processes. 

Feedback from accreditation reviews is instrumental in meeting standards and a collaborative effort involving all levels of the University community. Coulson-Clark underscored the importance of transparent communication and collaboration across departments and leadership tiers. This inclusive approach ensures that every stakeholder understands the accreditation process and their role in maintaining compliance. 

Coulson-Clark candidly discussed the challenges of managing accreditation across a diverse Institution like Central State. She emphasized the necessity of collaboration and training, noting substantial investments in accreditation-related education for faculty and staff. Building alliances and ensuring widespread awareness of accreditation's importance are critical to navigating the complexities of maintaining Institutional integrity and compliance. 

As Central State prepares for its next accreditation cycle, Coulson-Clark remains focused on continuous improvement. She highlighted ongoing efforts to streamline processes, enhance data integrity, and implement best practices gleaned from peer institutions. 

These proactive measures bolster Central State's accreditation standing and affirm its commitment to providing a high-quality educational experience. 

Accreditation is a cornerstone of Central State's commitment to academic excellence and student success. It is indeed a journey — one that requires dedication, vigilance, and unwavering commitment from all corners of Central State University.  

As the University prepares for future opportunities and challenges, its steadfast adherence to accreditation principles ensures that students receive an education of the highest caliber, supported by a framework of national and international recognition.