TRIO Student Support Services director selected for Emerging Leadership Institute

By Alissa Paolella, Communications Manager
Posted Feb 27 2024
Mortenous A. Johnson Director TRIO Student Support Services

Mortenous A. Johnson, the director of TRIO Student Support Services at Central State University, has been selected for the prestigious Emerging Leadership Institute (ELI) offered by the Educational Opportunities Association (EOA).

ELI is a leadership development program designed to identify and prepare potential leaders within the EOA (formerly MAEOPP). It was initiated in 1989 by Dr. Celestine Johnson with the aim to strengthen the association by developing potential leaders who could assume leadership positions at the chapter and regional levels, grow personally and professionally, and ultimately strengthen the association.

Johnson was endorsed for this program by Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs Dr. Margery Coulson-Clark. He will represent Ohio TRIO as one of seven leaders representing their respective states within EOA's 10-member state region.

"Mortenous A. Johnson is a collaborative, imaginative administrator. His interdisciplinary approach to what he calls 'this work' is guided by research, praxis, and an innovative mindset," Coulson-Clark said. "He consistently out-performs the goals he sets for himself in terms of students served and the quality of activities that support Central State University students."

"Consistency, reliability, and accountability embodies his professionalism along with integrity and stewardship."

"He couples realistic optimism to achievement indicators for students, Institution, and community success," Coulson-Clark continued. "Emerging Leaders Institute will enhance and nuance his leadership competencies resulting in value for TRIO writ large, CSU, and the students he serves. Congratulations on being selected!"

The year-long program combines professional development, networking opportunities, and hands-on experiences to prepare participants for greater involvement in EOA and their respective state chapters. This program is designed to inspire and cultivate strong leadership within the association.

TRIO Student Support Services aims to help first-generation, low-income families, and disabled college students succeed in higher education. It is one of eight federal TRIO programs authorized by the Higher Education Act. The program provides participants with a comprehensive, research-based framework with measurable objectives that aligns with the university's mission and strategic goals.

In addition to his role as the director of TRIO Student Support Services, Johnson is also an adjunct professor in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at Central State University.