Journalism and Digital Media

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Digital Media


Journalism and Digital Media (JDM) is the most popular major in the Department of Communications, Composition, and Languages. The program is housed in the Mass Communications Center, which contains radio and television studios, multi-track recording equipment, classrooms, and a journalism lab.


JDM students have interned and landed jobs at BET, Radio One, Clear Channel, Time Warner, Fox, Cox Newspapers, Style Network, WDTN-TV, and WHIO-TV. Our majors are making their mark in radio and TV stations, newspapers, magazines, marketing and advertising firms, and graduate schools across the country. 


We suggest you complete four years of high school English and participate in a high school newspaper, radio, or TV station. You will need excellent writing skills in any media enterprise, and we urge you to take every opportunity to enhance your writing. 

It is also vital that you develop a strong work ethic and the ability to meet tight deadlines. You can't be late for the 6 o'clock news!

Program map

Graduating with a BA degree in Journalism and Digital Media requires you to complete academic coursework, participate in co-curricular activities, and to network for career opportunities.

    • Meet with an advisor from the Office of Academic Advising in the Ward Center
    • Schedule classes for your 1st year
    • Complete your English courses and your first JDM class: Professional Development Practicum
    • Create a resume and sample cover letter
    • Become a news consumer. Make a habit of reading news stories and listening to broadcast stories
    • Meet with an advisor from the Office of Academic Advising in the Ward Center. Schedule classes for your 2nd year
    • Complete most of your general education classes. Take more JDM classes, including Mass Communications and Media Writing
    • Join co-curricular groups such as Marauder Land Media Group and On Our Own Radio. Create content for your online portfolio
    • Attend the Career Fair and Communications Week. Network with media professionals
    • Meet with a faculty advisor in the Communications and Visual Arts department. Schedule classes for your 3rd year
    • Continue working with co-curricular groups
    • Complete Journalism Practicum, production courses, and more digital media classes. Create content for your portfolio
    • Attend the Career Fair and Communications Week. Network with media professionals
    • Apply for an internship by the end of fall term
    • Meet with a faculty advisor in the JDM program. Schedule classes for your 4th year
    • Be sure you're on track to graduate in May
    • Complete your major courses. If you have not done so, complete an off-campus internship
    • Continue working with co-curricular groups
    • Attend the Career Fair and Communication Week. Begin your job search in fall term