The Department of Health and Social Sciences offers the Recreation program that leads to a Bachelor of Science. As a program graduate, you will be prepared to lead in a variety of recreation spaces.
Program map
- Successfully complete HHP 1130 - Introduction to Health, and Recreation
- Attend Recreation Program and CHASE sponsored events
- Meet with the Recreation Program Faculty
- Join a Student Organization or Student Club, or Professional Organization
- Attend Recreation Program and CHASE sponsored events
- Declare a Minor such as Forensic Studies, Exercise Science, Yoga Studies
- Attend CSU Career Fair Events
- Meet with your advisor to track your degree progress
- Attend Recreation Program and CHASE sponsored events
- Research potential graduate programs
- Take the GRE
- Research workforce opportunities, visit Career Services
- Attend CSU Career Fair Events
- Meet with Recreation Faculty Advisor
- Visit Career Services
- Research workforce opportunities
- Meet with Recreation Faculty Advisor
- Complete Graduation Requirements for next steps
- Apply to graduate school
- Meet with Career Services
- Apply for jobs in the workforce
- Visit CSU during Homecoming and mentor undergraduate recreation students
- Degree Awarded
- Completion of all requirements for next steps (graduate or law school or workforce)
- Visit CSU during homecoming and mentor undergraduate criminal justice students
Recreation degree program
University and campus recreation programs
Outdoor and nature-based recreation programs and services
YMCAs, YWCAs, and other nonprofit recreation organizations
Commercial recreation and fitness centers
Worksite recreation and wellness facilities
Recreation degree program
The Recreation program leads to the Bachelor of Science by preparing students for professional careers with recreation agencies and as recreation coordinators in the leisure industry.
Recreation (non-licensure)
The Department of Health and Social Sciences is associated with the Department of Professional Education and Music, a program that prepares students for professional careers in the recreation industry. The Department has established clinical sites through partnerships with area schools and community agencies, and organizations that provide recreation services.
Courses of study
In addition to general education courses, students in the Recreation Program are required to complete courses in leadership and programming; history and principles of recreation; organization and administration; therapeutic recreation; and legal and financial aspects of recreation. A minimum of twelve to fifteen weeks of clinical experience through Student Teaching are required.
Major field and other requirements
ART 2400 Beginning Ceramics (3)
BUS 2200 Legal Environment in Business (3)
Elective (3)
Elective (3)
HHP Elective (2)
HHP 1000 Health and Wellness (2)
HHP 1110 Intermediate Swimming (1)
HHP 1130 Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Recreation (2))
HHP 1131 Skills I (Gymnastics and Dance) (2)
HHP 1132 Skills II (Volleyball & Soccer) (2)
HHP Skills III Track & Field (2)
HHP 2222 History & Principles of Recreation (2)
HHP 2230 First Aid & Terminology (3)
HHP 2243 Lifeguard Training (2)
HHP 3312 Sports Psychology (2)
HHP 3317 Sports Officiating (2)
HHP 3318 Principles of Coaching (2)
HHP 3320 PE for Elementary School (3)
HHP 3322 Recreational Leadership/Programming (3)
HHP 3335 Commercial Recreation (2)
HHP 3361 Intro to Therapeutic Recreation (2)
HHP 3362 Program Design in Therapeutic Recreation (2)
HHP 3363 Leisure Counseling (2)
HHP 4463 Management of Recreation & Intramural Sports (3)
HHP 4470 Organization/Administration Rec (3)
HHP 4471 Outdoor Education (2)
HHP 4472 Legal & Financial Aspects (2)
HHP 4486 Senior Problems (3)
MUS 2215 Music Methods/Materials (2)
PSC 1120 Introduction to Public Administration (3)
SOC 2230 Intro to Gerontology (3)
Clinical experiences
HHP 2255 Clinical Teaching I (1)
HHP 3355 Clinical Teaching II (1)
HHP 4455 Clinical Teaching III (1)
HHP 4490 Field Experience (10)
Total degree credit hours: 120-124
Note: General education requirements are not listed.
Rosie Turner
Department Chair
O: 937-376-6219
E: rturner@centralstate.eduJennifer Turpin-Stanfield
Assistant Professor, Recreation/Exercise Science
O: 937-376-6070
E: jturpin-stanfield@centralstate.eduRichard Wetzel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Recreation/Exercise Science
O: 937-376-6319
HSS goals
Our Department has established community partnerships with area schools and local agencies so that you gain real-world experience while working toward your degree.
Prepare students for a professional career in recreation
Provide basic instruction in health, lifetime sport, and physical activity that will inspire students to pursue a lifetime commitment to learning
In addition to the Bachelor of Science in Recreation, students have an opportunity to obtain a nationally accredited personal training certification while working toward their degree.
Our recreation major provides exciting classes and opportunities to work together with the local community!
Rosie TurnerDepartment Chair