two students studying with notebooks and a mobile phone

Scholarship Central

At Central State University, we believe that every person deserves access to high-quality, affordable education, no matter their background or walk of life. To help you pay for your education, we have curated a list of University-exclusive and external scholarships.

This list is not exhaustive, and we encourage every student to seek out scholarships specific to their fields of study and demographics. 

To learn more about scholarships you may receive as a Marauder, click through the items below. We are here to guide every student and future Marauder, so if you have any questions or need guidance about financial aid and scholarships, contact us at 937-376-6579 or or visit Financial Aid and Scholarships.

University-exclusive scholarships

Marauders receive aid in the form of Central State scholarships. If you have been admitted to Central State University, you may qualify for one or more of the following scholarships. 

  • The Presidential Scholarship is the most prestigious award offered at Central State University and is reserved for a few top incoming freshmen. It covers tuition, fees, room, and board. Recipients are selected by a committee that considers academic merit, demonstrated leadership ability, community engagement, and strength of character. APPLY NOW


    • Earn a 3.7 or higher unweighted high school GPA
    • Demonstrate leadership ability, community engagement, and strength of character
    • Must be an entering freshman who has been admitted to the University and enrolled in the Honors College with a high school transcript on file
    • SAT and ACT scores (optional)

    Scholarship applications from students who are not accepted to the University or who do not meet the minimum GPA requirements will not be considered.

    Continuous scholarship requirements

    The Presidential Scholarship covers up to eight semesters of continuous undergraduate study (fall and spring semesters only). Recipients must meet the following requirements: 

    • Earn 15 or more credit hours per semester
    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and remain in good standing in the Honors College each semester
    • Complete four online financial literacy sessions

    Other information

    • Scholarships will be disbursed in equal amounts between the fall and spring semesters
    • Room charges are covered for double-occupancy housing only and for the spring and fall semesters only. Costs not covered by the Presidential Scholarship include:
      • Tuition and fees for the summer semester
      • Summer semester housing
      • Charges incurred due to selecting a single room
    • The total financial aid package including scholarships cannot exceed the total cost of attendance at Central State University
    • Scholarships are subject to the availability of funds and may be adjusted as needed


  • Funded by the Strada Education Network, the Strada Presidential Leadership Scholarship focuses on investment in students. Through this scholarship program, recipients will be provided leadership development, academic support, and critical social engagement resulting in positive postsecondary learning opportunities that lead to meaningful career pathways for Strada Scholars.

    Strada recognizes the importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in providing economic and social mobility to America’s next generation of leaders and undertakes this initiative to provide institutional and systemic improvements for the participating institutions and the students they serve.

    Grant amounts

    • $7,000 per year (4 years)
    • $1,200 per year (3 years) for internships
    • $1,200 per year (3 years) for leadership development


    • 3.5 unweighted cumulative high school GPA
    • Recipients must be Entering Freshmen
    • Enrollment and maintaining good standing in the Honors College
    • Recipients must be full-time students
    • Recipients agree to:
      • Participate in leadership development opportunities annually/regionally
      • Participate in mentoring and career coaching throughout academic tenure
      • Participate in internships or other work-based learning experiences
      • Willingly engage with Strada and its system of record, providing testimonials and experiences
      • Share testimonials and experiences
      • Be a changemaker who anticipates and engages with University Administration to build creative solutions
  • Supported by the Choose Ohio First program, the Marauder Choose Ohio First and Choose Ohio First Honors scholarships offer an opportunity for new freshmen from the state of Ohio to enroll at Central State. This is a renewable, competitive scholarship, offering students up to $32,000 over four years. Students must achieve program objectives to receive renewable annual awards of $8,221. APPLY NOW


    • Must be a resident of Ohio
    • Earn a 3.5 unweighted cumulative high school GPA
    • Enroll in the Honors College (Honors scholarship only)
    • Maintain status as an Honors student in good standing (Honors scholarship only)
    • Students must major in one of the following: Science and Math Education, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, Mathematics, or Water Resource Management
  • NOTE: Incoming freshmen can receive the Freshman Scholarship or the Freshman Honors Student Scholarship. They cannot receive both.

    • 3.7-4.0 GPA — $4,500
    • 3.5-3.69 GPA — $3,500

    The Incoming Freshman Honors Student Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship open to incoming freshmen honors students based on their unweighted high school GPA. Half of the scholarship will be applied in each of the fall and spring semesters. 

    To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Be admitted to the Honors College
    • Earn a 3.5 or higher unweighted high school GPA
    • Demonstrate evidence of extracurricular and/or service activities
    • Meet the FAFSA deadline (Dec. 1) to be considered for this award. International students will be required to submit a copy of their I-20 instead of the FAFSA
    • Remain an honors student in good standing for the second semester of freshman year
    • Attend four financial literacy workshops during the academic year (provided by the Financial Aid Office)
  • NOTE: Incoming freshmen either receive the Freshman Scholarship or the Freshman Honors Student Scholarship. Students cannot receive both.

    The Freshman Scholarship is open in the following amounts for students who meet the corresponding criteria. Students are considered upon admission to the University.

    Maximum scholarship award

    • 2.7-2.99 GPA — $1,000
    • 3.0-3.29 GPA — $2,000
    • 3.3-3.69 GPA — $3,000
    • 3.7-4.00 GPA — $4,000

    For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 937-376-6579 or

  • The Continuing Honors Student Scholarship is an academic, merit-based scholarship for continuing Honors students with 30 or more credit hours by the end of the spring semester each year. The credit hours must be earned during the fall and spring semesters only of each academic year. Half of the scholarship will be applied in each of the fall and spring semesters. 

    • 3.7-4.0 GPA — $4,000
    • 3.5-3.69 GPA — $3,000

    Eligibility: To be considered, students must meet the following criteria:

    • Be admitted to the Honors College and remain in good standing
    • Work toward earning Honors designations
    • Earn 30 credit hours or more (for the academic year in the fall and spring semesters only), which are required for the completion of their program of study
    • Achieve a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA by May 5 (end of spring semester)
    • Meet the FAFSA deadline (Dec. 1) to be considered for this award. International students will be required to submit a copy of their I-20 instead of the FAFSA
    • Attend four financial literacy workshops during the academic year (provided by the Financial Aid Office).

    For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 937-376-6579 or

  • The Continuing Student Scholarship is an academic, merit-based scholarship for continuing students with 30 or more credit hours by the end of the spring semester each year. The credit hours must be earned during the fall and spring semesters only of each academic year.

    • Award: $1,000-$3,000

    Eligibility: To be considered, students must meet the following criteria.

    • Earn a total of 30 or more credit hours for fall and spring semesters only, which are required for the completion of their program of study
    • Achieve a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA by May 5 (end of spring semester)
    • Meet the FAFSA deadline (Dec. 1) to be considered for this award. International students will be required to submit a copy of their I-20 instead of the FAFSA
    • Attend four financial literacy workshops during the academic year

    Example: A student received the Continuing Student Merit-Based Scholarship in the previous academic year (spring and fall). The student completed FAFSA by Dec. 1 of the current year. The student completed 15 credit hours in the fall and 16 credit hours in the spring, bringing the academic year total to 31 credit hours. The cumulative GPA for the student is 3.1, and they do not have a previous back balance. The student is eligible to receive the scholarship based on the established criteria. Referencing the chart below, the award amount would be $1,000.

    • 3.7-4.0 GPA — $4,500
    • 3.5-3.69 GPA — $3,500

    Maximum scholarship award

    • 3.0-3.39 GPA — up to $1,000
    • 3.40-3.79 GPA — up to $2,000
    • 3.80-4.0 GPA — up to $3,000

    The Continuing Student Scholarship will be added to eligible students' accounts in mid-June. Eligibility is determined based on completed credit hours and GPA. No application is required.

    For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 937-376-6579 or

  • Transfer scholarships are available in the following amounts for transfer students who meet the corresponding criteria.

    Transfer scholarships are awarded based on the number of credit hours a student is transferring into the University. A student is required to have a minimum of 31 credit hours to be considered for the Transfer Scholarship.


    For scholarship consideration, a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed and on file with the University. Students may file a FAFSA online at using Central State University’s school code of 003026.

    We recommend that students and families file their income taxes before completing the FAFSA; however, students may complete the FAFSA beginning Oct. 1 with estimated tax amounts. After filing taxes, students may go back to enter the correct tax information.

    The FAFSA priority deadline is Dec. 1 of the year before entering the University. International students will be required to submit a copy of their I-20 instead of the FAFSA.

    Maximum scholarship awards with an associate degree

    • 2.7-3.29 GPA — $2,000
    • 3.3-3.69 GPA — $3,000
    • 3.7-4.0 GPA — $3,500

    Maximum scholarship award with 31-60 credits

    • 2.7-3.29 GPA — $1,000
    • 3.3-3.69 GPA — $2,000
    • 3.7-4.0 GPA — $3,000

    Transfer scholarships are renewable for up to three years based on a student’s academic performance. Students are considered upon admission to the University.

    Students who receive a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and earn at least 30 semester hours will be eligible for a scholarship with the continuing student scholarship criteria.

    Students are automatically considered for these scholarships with a completed Central State University enrollment application, FAFSA, and an official college transcript.

    NOTE: Incoming Transfers that are eligible either receive the Transfer Scholarship or the Transfer Honors Student Scholarship. Students cannot receive both.

    For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid at 937-376-6579 or

  • The Central State General Alumni Association offers a $2,000 scholarship for Central State University students.

    The National Alumni Scholarship application window for 2023-2024 has closed. The 2024-2025 scholarship application will open in the spring semester. 


    • Must have at least a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA.
    • Be entering into junior or senior year.
    • Be involved in at least one activity at Central State University.

    Applications and supporting documentation must be turned in together by the deadline.

    Application for National Alumni Scholarship

    Submit applications to

  • Delta Zeta Alumni Foundation will issue two $2,000 scholarships renewable for a second year. In the second year, the foundation will add an additional two $2,000 scholarships — renewable for a second year — bringing the total each year to $8,000 in scholarships awarded to four students. 

    This is an academic, merit-based scholarship for incoming male freshmen honors students and continuing sophomore honors students majoring in Business or Education. The scholarship will be applied to the student's account for the fall semester. No monies are given directly to the student. APPLY NOW

    Honors scholarship criteria

    • Be admitted to the Honors College
    • Have a declared major in Business or Education
    • Earn a 3.5 or higher unweighted high school GPA
    • Demonstrate evidence of extracurricular and/or service activities
    • Remain an Honors student in good standing

    Continuing Honors scholarship criteria 

    • Be admitted to the Honors College 
    • Work toward earning Honors designations
    • Keep a declared major in Business or Education
    • Achieve a minimum 3.5 or higher GPA by May 5 (end of spring semester)
    • Earn 30 credit hours or more (for the academic year in the fall and spring semesters only), which are required for the completion of their program of study
    • Demonstrate evidence of extracurricular and/or service activities on campus
    • Remain an Honors student in good standing
    • Agree to have their picture posted as an awardee on the Delta Zeta Alumni Foundation website
  • The C. Joyce Finley-Jackson Endowed Scholarship, offered by the Akron Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., will grant a $500 scholarship to a Central State student in honor of Carol Joyce Finley-Johnson. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. is a public service sorority established in 1913.


    • Must be a current, full-time Central State University rising sophomore, junior, or senior with at least a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA.
    • Open to women from northeast Ohio
    • Proof of need (as determined by the University)
    • Must complete a 250- to 500-word essay describing a time in the student's life that shaped who they are as a person and how this will help them succeed at Central State

    For more information, email

    Apply now

  • At Central State University, we recognize that success requires us to need to bring together individuals of different perspectives, cognitive styles, backgrounds, and demographics. Our "Different Together" value celebrates the effort to foster an inclusive environment that amplifies the voices of all Finitians and thrives on their collective contributions.

    Finit's Different Together Scholarship was born from this value and is tied to our commitment to the success and well-being of our entire campus community and our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This program connects emerging talent in the community to the larger Finit network nationwide. 

    Scholarship details 

    Two qualified students will each receive a $5,000 scholarship annually. All applicants who meet the criteria outlined below will be considered. Applications will also be considered for future internship opportunities. 

    The scholarship cycle is now closed.

    Submission criteria 

    — Sophomore and junior students majoring in Accounting, Finance, or Information Systems 

    — Must be a U.S. citizen

    — GPA of 3.0 or higher

  • All entering freshmen, first-time band students, and transfer students must audition to be eligible for an Invincible Marching Marauders Scholarship. Students do not need to be music majors to audition for a band scholarship.

    The audition is a vital part of evaluating the student's musical and technical proficiency in their instrument. Band audition requirements

    Band scholarships are awarded annually and are divided equally between fall and spring semesters.

    The student’s compliance with the terms of a contract will be reviewed each semester by the director of bands and the chair of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts. This award will be renewed upon the recommendation of the director of bands if the student is determined to be complying fully with the contract.

    The student's total financial aid package may not exceed the total amount required by the University for tuition, fees, and room and board. Adjustments to aid may be necessary to comply with federal and Institutional rules and regulations.

    Eligibility requirements

    • Maintain full-time status and complete a minimum of 30 credit hours by the end of the spring semester each academic year.
    • Maintain good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    • Enroll in marching band, pep band, concert band, and any other ensembles as determined by the director of bands.
    • Earn a grade of B or higher in all ensembles.
    • Attend and participate in all rehearsals and performances, including pre-semester events.
    • Ensure employment schedules do not conflict with rehearsal or performance schedules.
    • Receive approval from the director of bands in the case of class schedule conflicts.
    • Maintain a regular, individual practice schedule and meet the performance standards of all ensembles.
    • Attend all principal applied lessons and other class lessons as determined by the director of bands and the requirements of the student’s degree program.
    • Maintain behavior in keeping with policies outlined in the student handbook, band handbook, and course syllabi.
  • Central State University Chorus offers a limited number of scholarships to music and non-music majors. Auditions are required for all scholarships, contingent upon full participation in the CSU Chorus. Learn more

  • All enrolled Central State University students are eligible to audition for the Auxiliary Corps, which includes the Banner Girls, who march in front of the Invincible Marching Marauders, the Dancing Belles, and the Ultimate Treasures flag corps. Scholarship award amounts vary.

    To be eligible, the student must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. For more information, contact Robin Davis at

Presidential Scholarship

Make your move

The Presidential Scholarship is the most prestigious award offered at Central State University and is reserved for a few top incoming freshmen. It covers tuition, fees, room, and board. Recipients are selected by a committee that considers academic merit, demonstrated leadership ability, community engagement, and strength of character.

Ready to have your Central State University tuition, fees, room, and board covered? Apply for the Presidential Scholarship today.

A college student with purple nail polish carries a set of books while weaing a backpack

College-specific scholarships

Each of Central State's four Colleges and the Honors College offer major- or department-specific scholarships for qualifying students. See where your passion lies and throw your hat in the ring with a quality application to help you follow your dreams.

  • Be advised funding is announced in January, and not all scholarships are funded every year.

    Dean Fred Aikens, D.M. Award — $500

    This scholarship is presented to a student who, in the dean’s opinion, demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities while serving as officers of their respective student organizations and displaying professional dress during the academic year.

    The AEP Foundation Scholarship — $1,500

    This scholarship is presented to any student majoring in the College of Business. The student must be participating in the NextJob program, maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, be a U.S. citizen, and be involved in campus activities.

    The AEP Scholarship  $250

    This scholarship is presented to any student majoring in the College of Business. The student must be participating in the NextJob program, maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher, be a U.S. citizen, and be involved in campus activities.

    Air Force Communication Electronics Association Scholarship — $1,000

    This scholarship is presented to a junior and a senior student who has demonstrated success in management information systems or electronics and math and science. The student must be a U.S. citizen and have completed 30 semester credit hours (or equivalent) but not more than 100 semester credit hours (or equivalent). A transfer student must have completed at least one term as a full-time student at Central State University.

    Air Force Communication Electronics Association Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to a junior and a senior student who has demonstrated success in management information systems or electronics and math and science. The student must be a U.S. citizen and have completed 30 semester credit hours (or equivalent) but not more than 100 semester credit hours (or equivalent). A transfer student must have completed at least one term as a full-time student at Central State University.

    The Joseph P. Blackshere Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to a rising junior or senior student, with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, who has demonstrated leadership qualities, professional dress during the academic year, and maturity through organization participation. The student will also participate in the University's Advisory Council during the upcoming academic year.

    Burger King Corporation Scholarship — $500

    The selection of scholars is based on the student’s academic record, financial need, community activities, demonstrated leadership roles, and/or offices held in student organizations. Recipients must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.

    Business Administration Chairman’s Award — $200

    The Chairman’s Award is presented to students majoring in Business at Central State University. Recipients of this award will have demonstrated leadership, service, and academic success.

    College of Business Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is awarded to students studying Business Administration with preference given to students with a concentration in marketing and management. Scholarships are awarded to students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a semester basis. Students must demonstrate a financial need. The scholarship is awarded at the discretion of the dean.

    College of Business Student Recognition Award — $200

    This award is the highest award given by the College of Business. The award is given to a graduating senior who exemplifies the model College of Business student. The selected student will have demonstrated leadership, professional dress, student organization involvement, and civic activities during the academic year.

    The Ron Cosey Memorial Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to a sophomore or a junior student majoring in Business Administration with any major concentration. The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be involved in student activities on campus.

    Fifth Third Bank Scholarship — $2,500

    This scholarship is presented to any student majoring in the College of Business. The student must be participating in the NextJob program, maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA, be a U.S. citizen, and be involved in campus activities.

    The Vernon Ford Foundation Scholarship — $1,000

    This scholarship is presented annually to a College of Business student with an option in marketing or finance. Each recipient receives a scholarship for tuition and fees for the academic year. Students must be in the top third of their class, possess strong leadership skills, exhibit professional dress during the academic year, and have a record of participation in civic or campus activities.

    Hospitality Management Award — $200

    This award is presented to a student with an option in hospitality management. The recipient of this award will have demonstrated leadership and service through their involvement in the Hospitality Management Club and a dedication to academic excellence by obtaining a 3.0 or higher GPA.

    Harry G. Johns Scholarship Book Fund — $1,000

    This scholarship is presented to an honor student in the College of Business majoring in accounting. The student must be entering their junior year.

    Key Bank Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to any student in the College of Business who is majoring in accounting or finance. The student must also show stability in their major. The recipients must maintain a 2.7 or higher GPA and demonstrate a financial need.

    The Richard D. Kidd Memorial Award Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship was established by Mrs. Mary Kidd as an endowed fund in memory of her late husband and former dean of the College of Business Administration. This award scholarship is presented to a student who has demonstrated yearly academic progress, overall cultural maturation, professional dress, and student organization involvement.

    The Isaiah Lipsey Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented by Mr. Isaiah Lipsey, a College of Business alumni and management major. Each scholarship recipient must be a freshman, sophomore, or junior management major and must maintain a 2.8 or higher GPA.

    The Tiara Love Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship was established by Ms. Tiara Love, a College of Business alumni. The scholarship is presented to any College of Business major. The recipient must maintain at least a 3.0 or higher GPA.

    The Adigarapatti Rangarajan (Professor Raj) Memorial Scholarship — $500

    This is presented in memory of Raj, a beloved faculty member in the College of Business. The award recipient must have achieved at least a 2.75 GPA with a major in accounting and demonstrated leadership and commitment through participation in University organizations and professional dress during the academic year.

    The Charles Ted Sampson Jr. Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to high-achieving students in the field of Marketing. The recipient of the scholarship must be a rising senior with preference given to students who do not receive financial aid. The student must be an Ohio resident with at least a 2.8 GPA and a declared major in business administration with an option in marketing or manufacturing engineering student.

    The Chuck Showell Academic Scholarship in Business Administration — $500

    This scholarship is presented to any student majoring in business administration or accounting. The recipient must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and be involved in the College of Business through University clubs or the Student Advisory Council.

    The Almon Sims Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented by Mr. Almon Sims, a College of Business alumni and marketing major. The recipient of the scholarship must be a sophomore or junior marketing major and must maintain at least a 2.8 GPA. 

    The Jonas L. Waits Scholarship — $500

    This is presented in memory of Jonas L. Waits. The recipient must be a College of Business sophomore or junior major and must maintain at least a 2.8 GPA.

    Walmart Transportation Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to any student in the College of Business who best represents the four basic beliefs of Walmart — respect for the individual; service to the customer; striving for excellence; and integrity always. The recipient must also maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.

    The Herbert H. Willis Student Development Scholarship — $1,000

    This scholarship is given to an aspiring student in accounting or finance to encourage academic progress toward excellence.

    The Dr. Rodney E. Wyse Scholarship — $500

    This scholarship is presented to a rising junior or senior student with a minimum 3.0 GPA. The recipient must have demonstrated leadership qualities, professional dress during the academic year, and maturity through organizational participation. The student will also participate in the University's Advisory Council during the upcoming academic year. 

    Questions? Contact Dr. Fred Aikens:
    O: 937-376-6642

  • Fine and Performing Arts Scholarships

    For information about Fine and Performing Arts Scholarships, contact Dr. Jenny Cruz (music) at or 937-376-6404 or Mitch Eismont (art) at or 937-376-6154.

  • Visit for a list of JWGCESTA scholarships.

  • The Honors College supports several prestigious national and international awards and scholarships. Some of these scholarships require representatives from Central State University to nominate students and others are open to all applicants. Please communicate with the appropriate campus representative below to ensure you are following proper procedures when applying for a given scholarship or award.

    Get the most up-to-date information on Honors College scholarships here.

External scholarships

Some scholarships are exclusive to Marauders, while others are available to students at the state or national level. Be sure to read the criteria closely to complete your application as required.

  • The Tiffany & Co. About Love Scholarship program, in partnership with BeyGOOD and the Shawn Carter Foundation, has pledged $2 million in scholarship funding for students in the arts and creative fields at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Tiffany & Co. About Love Scholarship will be awarded to five small private and select state schools, including Central State University.

    Students must qualify for financial aid as determined by Central State, and the scholarships will be awarded to students who meet all eligibility requirements. This scholarship supports incoming and current students interested in pursuing degrees in creative fields (visual arts, media, performance, design, etc.), history, and communications. Priority will be given to students who are facing financial hardships and in need of emergency financial assistance, and award sizes will range per student based on need.

    Contact the Financial Aid Office at 937-376-6579 or for more information.

  • The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program fellowship welcomes applications from young people interested in careers in international service. For those who want to become foreign services officers in the U.S. Department of State, the Rangel Graduate Fellowship Program provides benefits of up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master's degree, arranges internships on Capitol Hill and at U.S. embassies, and provides professional development and support activities.

    Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is available for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two- or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide. The study abroad program must be at least 4 weeks long.

    Boren Awards for International Study is available to U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central, and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

    The CIEE-International Study Programs Scholarship

    Each year, CIEE awards over $1 million in scholarships to students who plan to study overseas in its programs. This financial aid can be applied toward, or even defray, program fees and travel costs. You do not need to have already been accepted into a program to be considered for a scholarship award, but you need to apply early.

    Phi Kappa Phi Grants

    Study-abroad grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Fifty $1,000 grants are awarded each year.

    The Robert E. Bailey Scholarship is intended to promote the participation in CIEE programs of individuals or members of groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in study abroad, especially ethnic minority students.

    The Diversity Abroad Scholarship Program offers five $500 scholarships for the fall semester and five $500 scholarships for the spring semester. Scholarships are only for students participating in a study, internship, volunteer, or language immersion program abroad offered by a partner organization.

    The Global Access Initiative (GAIN): Scholarship Program was created to help students overcome major barriers to studying abroad, namely costs and curriculum requirements. GAIN aids in the diversification of study abroad by providing overseas opportunities for students who are economically challenged, from diverse backgrounds, or from underrepresented fields of study.

    Scholarships for Multicultural Students Studying Abroad

    Study Abroad in Japan: Bridging Scholarships

    The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan. Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite. Recipients receive a stipend of $2,500 (for students in semester-long programs) or $4,000 (for students in academic-year programs). For more information, contact ATJ at or 303-492-5487 or fax 303-492-5856.

    Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) awards scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need and represent a group that is traditionally underrepresented in study abroad and are participating in programs in non-traditional destinations. Scholarship programs include:

    • The Hilary Echo Douglas Memorial Scholarship for Vietnam and other cultures with a commitment to service.
    • The Rainbow Scholarship for a deserving LGBTQ+ student. offers a database of available scholarships and grants.

    Mobility International USA offers financial resources for people with disabilities to fund international opportunities.

    International Scholarships is an online scholarship database that provides a listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, financial aid, and other information to assist college and university students.

    For more information on study abroad scholarships contact, contact 937-376-6128 or

  • GE Appliances, a Haier company (GEA), and HBCU Connect are joining forces to connect Historically Black College and University students and grads with great career opportunities, internships, and event scholarships in 2023.

    GE Appliances HBCU Connect Scholarship Program

    New for the 2023 partnership between GE Appliances and HBCU Connect is the rollout of a special scholarship for students enrolled in a four-year degree program at an accredited HBCU graduating between May 2024 and December 2026. The spring scholarship will offer one student $1,000 toward tuition, room and board, or books.

    Who's eligible

    • Must be a full-time student enrolled at a U.S.-accredited HBCU pursuing a bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: Accounting, Finance, Economics, Business Administration, HR, Liberal Arts, Data Analytics, Marketing, Communications, Psychology, or Business Analytics.
    • Must have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
    • Must live within the 50 states of the United States.
    • Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without requiring future visa sponsorship for employment.
    • Finalists will be given special consideration for an internship or co-op opportunity at GE Appliances.

    The scholarship application is now closed for 2023.


  • The New York Pass Education Scholarship by Go City offers six single-day passes to visit major New York City attractions and a one-time, $4,000 academic scholarship award. 

    The scholarship application is now closed for 2023.

    The scholarship may be used for tuition, room and board, books, or travel. Funds will be transferred directly to the winner. 

    The day pass allowance can be used by multiple people. For example, you can use six-day passes for one person or three-day passes each for two people. Any day passes can be used on selected days and do not have to be used on consecutive days. 


    You must be a United States citizen, permanent resident, or currently studying in the U.S. on a student visa at a college or university at the time your entry is submitted. Only one submission per person will be accepted. 

    How to apply 

    Before applying, read the following instructions and eligibility requirements.

    • Look through the New York Pass website and tell Go City the attractions you'd love to experience most and why, using no more than 280 characters — the length of a tweet. 
    • Email your entry to
    • Provide your preferred contact email address and your name and state that you attend Central State University. If you prefer not to be contacted about future promotional activity, state that you would like to opt out. 

    The winner will be determined by an applicant’s eligibility under the scholarship requirements and the strength of an applicant’s entry as determined by the selection committee. 

    Go City reserves the right to use the name of the winner to feature on its website and social media accounts. Please refer to the full privacy policy

    By entering, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current, and complete. Go City Group reserves the right to verify the eligibility of all entrants.  

    Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of Go City and no scholarships or passes will be awarded as a result of improper actions by or on behalf of any participant. 

    1099 form will be sent to the winner, and the prize is subject to regular U.S. taxes.  


    Go City current or former employees and relatives of current employees are not eligible. 

    For more information, contact Go City at

  • The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr. Scholarship Program is a renewable, merit-based scholarship of $5,000 for students pursuing a bachelor's degree in education or a STEM-related field and who are permanent residents of Ohio, Indiana, or Kentucky (see list of eligible ZIP codes). The scholarship application is now closed for 2023.


    • High school graduate attending a four-year institution in the 2023-24 academic year.
    • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
    • Submit an online application.

    Qualified Geographic Region

    Eligible ZIP codes


    Boone: 41005, 41022, 41042, 41048, 41080, 41091, 41092, 41094

    Campbell: 41001, 41007, 41059, 41071, 41072, 41073, 41074, 41075, 41076, 41085, 41099

    Kenton: 41011, 41012, 41014, 41015, 41016, 41017, 41018, 41019, 41051, 41053, 41063


    Brown: 45101, 45115, 45118, 45119, 45121, 45130, 45131, 45154, 45167, 45168, 45171

    Butler: 45004, 45011, 45012, 45013, 45014, 45015, 45018, 45025, 45026, 45042, 45043, 45044, 45050, 45053, 45055, 45056, 45061, 45062, 45063, 45064, 45067, 45069, 45071

    Clermont: 45102, 45103, 45106, 45112, 45120, 45122, 45140, 45145, 45147, 45150, 45153, 45156, 45157, 45158, 45160, 45176, 45245

    Hamilton: 45001, 45002, 45030, 45033, 45041, 45051, 45052, 45111 45174, 45201, 45202, 45203, 45204, 45205, 45206, 45207, 45208, 45209, 45211, 45212, 45213, 45214, 45215, 45216, 45217, 45218, 45219, 45220, 45221, 45222, 45223, 45224, 45225, 45226, 45227, 45228, 45229, 45230, 45231, 45232, 45233, 45234, 45235, 45236, 45237, 45238, 45239, 45240, 45241, 45242, 45243, 45244, 45246, 45247, 45248, 45249, 45250, 45251, 45252, 45253, 45254, 45255, 45258, 45262, 45263, 45264, 45267, 45268, 45269, 45270, 45271, 45273, 45274, 45275, 45277, 45280, 45296, 45298, 45299, 45999

    Warren: 45005, 45032, 45034, 45036, 45039, 45040, 45054, 45065, 45066, 45068, 45153, 45162


    Dearborn: 47001, 47018, 47022, 47025, 47032, 47060

    Franklin: 47010, 47012, 47016, 47024, 47030, 47035, 47036

    For more information or to apply, visit

  • The Nelnet Scholarship Search Tool is a free resource to help students find free money for college. Users do not need to be customers of Nelnet Bank, and no student information is required to use the tool. 

    Simply click the unique link for Central State University students and start searching through thousands of vetted scholarships.

    Start your search today!

  • The Pat Tillman Foundation unites and empowers a diverse community of remarkable military veterans and spouses as the next generation of public and private sector leaders committed to service beyond self. Tiller's principles and service are his true legacy. He believed in something bigger than himself — the qualities the foundation looks for in our Tillman Scholars are the same qualities that Pat displayed throughout his life.

    Tillman Scholars are chosen based on merit. Strong applicants demonstrate clear academic goals, extraordinary leadership potential, and a deep desire to create positive change. They believe their best years of service to our country are still ahead of them and are committed to strengthening communities at home and around the world.

    The Tillman Scholar application will open on Nov. 1, 2023. 

    Resources for advisers and potential applicants

    Learn about eligibility requirements and more through the applicant one-pager. For the most up-to-date information about the Tillman Scholars program, sign up for the applicant mailing list.

  • CollegeVine, a free online resource providing guidance about higher education, has curated a list of 10 Ohio scholarships to save thousands on college. Its 10 Ohio Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College includes information and tips for applying. 

    American Legion Auxiliary Department President's Scholarship ($1,000-$1,500)

    — Deadline: March 15

    — Eligibility: Ohio resident preparing to enter their first year of college who is a veteran or direct descendant of a veteran

    — Application requirements: Transcript, essay, three letters of recommendation, and proof of service

    Check out more opportunities at American Legion Auxiliary of Ohio (

    Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans' Children Scholarship (amount varies)

    — Deadline: May 15

    — Eligibility: Child of a deceased or severely disabled Ohio veteran, Ohio resident, and enrolled as a full-time undergraduate pursuing a bachelor's degree at an eligible Ohio college or university 

    — Application requirements: Proof of service record 

    Cyril W. Neff, P.E., P.S., Memorial Scholarship ($2,500)

    — Deadline: Feb. 28

    — Eligibility: Graduating high school senior who has been admitted to an ABET-accredited engineering program and is an Ohio resident from Cuyahoga, Lorain, Lake, Geauga, Medina, or Ashtabula counties

    — Application requirements: Minimum 3.0 GPA, minimum 1100 SAT, transcript, essay, and recommendation

    The Ability of Greater Toledo Scholarship (amount varies)

    — Deadline: March 31

    Eligibility: Individuals with a disability planning to enroll or are enrolled in a post-secondary program with a permanent address in Lucas, Wood, Fulton, Henry, Ottawa, Defiance, or Williams counties in Ohio; and Monroe or Lenawee counties in Michigan

    — Application requirements: Minimum 3.0 GPA, essay, and three letters of recommendation

    Jay Sartini Memorial Scholarship ($1,000)

    — Deadline: April 15

    — Eligibility: Ashtabula County high school students planning to attend a college, university, or trade school

    — Application requirements: Minimum 3.0 GPA, transcript, two letters of recommendation, and a personal statement 

    William A. & Ann M. Brothers Scholarship ($6,000)

    — Deadline: April 1

    — Eligibility: Student 18 years of age or older who is a full-time undergraduate pursuing a minimum four-year degree in a welding or welding-related program 

    — Application requirements: Minimum 2.5 GPA and a personal statement

    Jim Lantz Memorial Scholarship ($1,000)

    — Deadline: April 22

    — Eligibility: College-bound Shelby County high school senior

    — Application requirements: Minimum 2.5 GPA, transcript, personal statement, and three letters of recommendation

    Forever Buckeyes Program (in-state tuition guarantee) 

    — Deadline: N/A

    — Eligibility: Ohio high school graduates who were Ohio residents at the time of their graduation and who are studying for undergraduate or graduate degrees

    — Application requirements: Application

    John McComb Scholarship (N/A)

    — Deadline: May 6

    — Eligibility: Ohio resident at an Ohio college or university with a declared major in recreation, including park operations, natural resources management, commercial recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, recreation management, sports management, and leisure studies. 

    Huron County Farm Bureau Agricultural Scholarship ($500)

    — Deadline: March 31

    — Eligibility: Member or child of members of the Huron County Farm Bureau entering an agricultural program at a post-secondary program at an Ohio institution 

    — Application requirements: Short-answer questions and two letters of recommendation

    Visit 10 Ohio Scholarships to Save You Thousands on College | CollegeVine Blog for more information on these scholarships and tips for applying. 

  • The Andrew Ryback Photography and The Plaid Horse Higher Learning Scholarship is returning in 2024. Over the past years, the scholarship has awarded over $15,000 to students pursuing higher education. 

    The scholarship is open to high school seniors graduating in 2024 and all current college and trade school students. To apply, submit the following attachments in a single email to, complete the form, and submit the form application online.

    1. Three-part essay (please complete parts A, B, and C):

    Part A: A horse show photographer is important because…

    Part B: What about being an equestrian has taught you about success and failure?

    Part C: Please tell us about someone in the horse industry who inspires you and why.

    2. A color photo.

    3. Two letters of recommendation.

    4. Unofficial or official high school or college transcript(s).

    5. A letter of acceptance from a college or university.


  • The 2024-25 Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Ohio Education Foundation scholarship applications are available on the AGC of Ohio website. Over 30 scholarships are available for college students pursuing construction degrees.

    To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements: 

    — Be a U.S. citizen.

    — Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale).

    — Be enrolled as an undergraduate in the second year of a two-, four-, or five-year degree program.

    Learn more at

    The scholarships are sponsored by AGC members and divisions and funded through the AGC of Ohio Education Foundation, a 501-C(3) nonprofit organization. To date, nearly $500,000 of scholarships have been awarded.

  • The Northern States Caucus offers two cash awards of $1,000. Applicants must meet the following requirements:

    • Be a full-time student from one of the Northern member states attending a two- or four-year college or university. Member states include Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin.
    • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
    • Have a degree emphasis in a recreational boating safety-related field, such as Criminal Justice, Natural Resources/Environmental Science, Education, Public Relations, or Marketing.

    Applicants must submit the following:

    • Two recommendation letters (one from a field-related faculty member and one from a professional in recreational boating safety); 
    • A resume noting all boating/natural resources/law enforcement-related activities; 
    • A college transcript; and
    • An essay, typewritten, double-spaced, and not exceeding two pages, that addresses one of the following topics: Boating Under the Influence; Marketing Boating Safety; Effects of Technology Advancements on Boating; Boater Education; or Career Opportunities in Boating Law Enforcement.

    The submission deadline is Dec. 31, 2023, with an award date in January 2024. 

    Download the brochure, including the scholarship application, for directions on how to submit your completed application. 

  • The children of Anthony I. Anaebere Sr. will award a memorial scholarship in his honor to one Nigerian-born or first-generation Nigerian-American student pursuing an undergraduate or graduate-level engineering degree at an accredited college or university in the United States. The Anthony I. Anaebere Sr. Memorial Scholarship award may vary each year. For the next academic year, the family will award one student with a $1,000 scholarship that can be used for tuition and fees, books, and supplies.

    Applications must include the following documentation and be received by Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, at 8 p.m. PST:

    • A completed Anthony Ihedoha Anaebere Sr. Memorial Scholarship application;
    • Current resume from the applicant that includes e a list of activities and honors;
    • One letter of recommendation from an individual who can speak to the applicant’s academic credentials. The letter may not be from a relative of the applicant;
    • Academic transcripts from your current institution and/or enrollment verification letter if you will be matriculating to a new program during the 2024-2025 academic year. (If you are matriculating from high school to a four-year college/university, you are required to submit verification of enrollment from your college/university and complete high school transcripts);
    • A digital photo and a signed photo/image use waiver; and
    • An essay addressing the application prompt of no more than 500 words; 

    To receive an application, send an email to Visit Anthony Ihedoha Anaebere, Sr. Memorial Scholarship ( for more information.

    The scholarship committee will review applications and select the top three candidates for a phone or virtual interview, after which the final selection will be made. Re-application is permitted if you have applied but have not won the scholarship in the past.

    The application and associated materials must be submitted together electronically to Please include "AIA SCHOLARSHIP SUBMISSION" in your email subject line. 

    All applicants will be notified of the scholarship committee's decision on or before Friday, May 31, 2024, at 8 p.m. PST.

  • Let Wright-Patt Credit Union help you respect your money with an essay contest! 

    Wright-Patt Credit Union (WPCU) wants to help you go back to school this year. We are having an essay contest where you could win $2,500 to help pay for school!

    Scholarship contest details:

    • Deadline:
      • Enter between 12 a.m. Oct. 23, 2023, and Nov. 22, 2023, at 5 p.m. ET.
    • Who’s eligible:
      • Central State students in good academic standing (2.5 GPA or higher).
    • Essay topic:
      • 300-500-word essay answering the question: "How can Wright-Patt Credit Union Use Technology to Reach More Students?"
      • Essays must be double-spaced, typed in 12-point font size, and in a legible font style (preferably Times New Roman).
    • Where and what to submit:
      • All the items must be submitted by email to with the subject line “2023 Central State Essay Contest."
      • Must include:
        • Your full name, preferred phone number, and email address
        • 300-500 word essay in a Word document or PDF
    • How many winners:
      • WPCU will select four winners to receive a $2,500 scholarship to Central State University based on the subject matter, creativity, and overall quality of the essay.
    • When will the winners be announced:
      • Winners will be contacted on Jan. 8, 2024. A check presentation will take place during the Central State University vs. Wilberforce basketball game on Feb. 15, 2024.
    • Disbursement of prize:
      • The award will be disbursed directly to the school’s bursar office. Any excess funds will be processed and managed by the school. The credit union is responsible only for sending the award to Central State and has no continuing obligation regarding the award.

    Restrictions apply. View the official rules here for complete terms.

  • Smith, Born, Leventis, Taylor & Vega LLC Injury Lawyers is inviting Central State students to participate in its second scholarship opportunity.

    The essay contest has a few simple requirements, which you can find at, along with other guidelines and helpful tips for participants.

    Interested students should submit a thoughtful 300-500-word essay in response to the following prompt: 

    Should undocumented employees be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits despite their immigration status? Discuss the pros and cons (laws currently vary by state).

    Application form: 

    Deadline: April 29, 2024  

    Amount: $1,500

    Sponsor:  Smith, Born, Leventis, Taylor & Vega LLC

    Eligibility: You must be a U.S. resident or resident alien who is enrolled at a U.S. college or university. Essays must be unique (not submitted elsewhere) and written by the scholarship application signator. Only one submission per student will be considered. There is no fee to apply.

  • The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship offers college scholarships of up to $40,000 for high school seniors nationwide who showcase leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship.

    To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

    A) Demonstrate at school, at the workplace, and within the community the attributes of leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship.

    B) Demonstrate strong academic performance (minimum 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale or equivalent).

    Apply today through the GE-Reagan Foundation.

  • Scholarship Value: $2,500
    Awards Available: 178
    Award Deadline: Jan 15, 2024

    To be eligible for the scholarship a student must:

    1) Be enrolled in a degree program in an accredited U.S. institution of higher learning during the academic year following the application date.

    2) Submit an application and essay explaining his or her career, academic, and/or vocational goals.

    Apply now

Scholarship Newsletter

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