Textbooks and Course Materials
Marauder Cares course material delivery program

Course textbooks are part of the campus' course material delivery program, Marauder Cares. The BNC (Barnes & Noble College) bookstore will provide each student with a convenient package for physical books/materials and any digital materials integrated into D2L course shells. Students may receive the materials required for each course, in one or more of the following methods:
1) BNC First Day Complete® Physical Components
Students receive an email before the term start date from the bookstore confirming materials and asking students to select "store pickup" or "delivery" to receive physical materials. Any student enrolled in a class using physical materials will find the content module in their corresponding D2L course labeled "Marauder Cares Physical Components" including information on how to confirm and order their physical materials for the semester from the Central State University Bookstore.
2) BNC First Day Complete® Inclusive Access
Students enrolled in a course using digital learning materials will find a content module in their corresponding D2L course labeled “Marauder Cares-Digital Textbooks” that contains information on how to access online eBooks and courseware. Course materials accessed via 3rd party publisher courseware may need to be accessed through a separate link or website that will be provided to the student in the D2L course.
3) Open Educational Resource (OER)
OER textbooks are not provided by BNC, but students may find a weblink or PDF of their OER textbook in their corresponding D2L course in the "OER Materials" sub-module. All students will have free, direct, and open access to these types of textbooks.
Charges for BNC First Day Complete® will be included in each student’s Bursar account based on full-time or part-time enrollment. Any student may opt out from Marauder Cares if they wish to obtain their textbooks via a different method.
Students seeking assistance retrieving digital materials within D2L should contact lmsadmins@centralstate.edu.
Students seeking assistance with the Marauder Cares program or receiving their physical textbooks should contact the Central State University Bookstore at: (937) 376-6123 or SM8189@bncollege.com or bookstore@centralstate.edu
How BNC First Day® Complete works
Central State University uses a course material delivery program that provides access to your required course materials before the first day of class. With this program, the bookstore will provide you with a convenient package for physical course materials and your digital course materials will be delivered directly in your LMS.
How It Works:
- Register for classes
- One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to review your courses and choose how to receive your materials and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials in a convenient package (Note: This email will come from our bookstore partner, not from our school directly)
- You will receive an email notification when your order is ready for pickup at the bookstore or when it ships, depending on your selection and your digital materials will be delivered within D2L
- When your courses are over, the bookstore will send you helpful reminder emails to return your rental course materials
While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt out of the program, but this means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate. Instead, you will be responsible for purchasing your course materials through the bookstore.
Please watch the tutorial below on how BNC works:
BNC First Day® Complete support information
Contact BNC Support
If you have any questions about the BNC First Day® Complete program or platform, phone, and email support are available 24/7 to answer your questions or help with any troubleshooting.
Customer Care is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week - 24/7. You can:
Call the Customer Care team: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657) or
Visit BNC Customer Care Submit a request ticket Email the Customer Care team
We suggest that students provide Customer Care with their name, school email address, school, course information, and screenshots of issues if applicable.
Contact CSU Book Store
As always, you may also contact the CSU Bookstore Team directly with any questions.
Call (937) 376-6123, or email SM8189@bncollege.com.
Marauder Cares FAQs
Marauder Cares FAQs
The program provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital textbook versions to eligible students.
The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits, or nursing kits.
While it is NOT recommended, students have the option to opt out of this program by selecting opt out in the BNC First Day® Complete textbook link, or by contacting the bookstore. Opting out means you will not receive access to your required course materials in a convenient package at a discounted rate.
Students should contact the bookstore to ensure they will not be billed for BNC First Day® Complete through their tuition. The bookstore may suggest that the student opt-out to ensure not being billed.
The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to their email address.
Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.
Please contact your bookstore team at (937) 376-6123, SM8189@bncollege.com, or bookstore@centralstate.edu if you have any questions regarding your course materials.
If you can't access your digital course materials within D2L should contact lmsadmins@centralstate.edu.
If you can access digital course materials but need further support in using the materials, go to customercare.bncollege.com for support with digital materials.
Open Educational Resources (OER) courses
Open Educational Resources (OER) courses
Central State University supports the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) for general education courses. Students enrolled in only OER courses incur no course material or textbook charges, as the resources used for learning in the courses are copyrighted for open access.
Find the list of CSU's OER courses listed below by college/program.
- COM 3308 Film Image and Social Reality
- ENG 2100 Great Books, Great Films
- ENG 2200 Introduction to Literary Studies
- ENG 2600 Comics & Graphic Novels
- ENG 2300 Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENG 2320 Poetry Workshop
- ENG 2500 Literature by Black Women
- ENG 2600 Comics
- ENG 3020 African American Literature I
- ENG 3040 British Literature I
- ENG 3041 British Literature II
- ENG 3100 Literary Criticism
- ENG 4080 Shakespeare and His Influence
- FLA 2234 Spanish and Latin American Cinema
- HIS 1110 Introductory History of Africans in the US
- HIS 1121 Global History to 1500
- HIS 1122 Global History since 1500
- HIS 2100 Research Methods in History
- HIS 2201 History of the U.S. to 1877
- HIS 2202 History of the U.S. since 1887
- HIS 3270 Pan African History
- HIS 3301 African American History to 1877
- HIS 3330 History of Modern China & Japan
- HIS 4370 Recent America
- IDS 1400 Introduction to Environmental Humanities
- IDS 1500 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies
- IDS 2100 Introduction to Studies in the Humanities
- IDS 4500 Senior Capstone in Humanities
- PHI 2210 Survey of Global Philosophy
- PHI 2230 Global Religion
- PHI 2240 Critical Thinking
- PHI 2250 Applied Ethics
- PHI 3200 Environmental Ethics
- PHI 3300 Logic and Scientific Method
- PHI 3350 African American Philosophy
- PHI 3500 Disciplines in Philosophy
- PHI 3000 Ethic of Digital Culture
- CRJ 2XXX Criminal Justice in Cybersecurity
- PSC 1100 American National Government
- PSC 2223 Intro to Political Science
- PSY 1200 Introduction to Psychology
- SOC 1105 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1125 Social Problems
- SOC 2206 Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences
- SOC 2800 Methods of Social Research
- SOC 3325 Race and Ethnic Relations
- SOC 3330 Gender and Society
- SOC 3343 Social Stratification
- SWK 4420 Child & Family Services I
- SWK 4421 Child & Family Services II
- GEO 1103 World Geography: East Hemisphere
- GEO 1110 Fundamentals of Geography
- GEO 3313 Weather and Climate
- EDP 3104 Curriculum and Instruction in Science for Primary Education
- WRM 4470 Applied Remote Sensing
- WRM 4402 Urban Water Problems
- AGED 3100 The Adult Classroom
- AGED 3115 Addressing Diverse Populations in Agriculture
- AGED 4110 Student Leadership Organization
- AGED 4500 Extension Internship
- CPS 2271 Data Structures
- CPS 4210 Artificial Intelligence
- CPS 3200 Computer Algorithms
- CPS 3340 Computer Architecture
- CPS 4XXX Data Analysis & Visualization
- INT 2311 Circuit Analysis
- INT 2420 Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control
- INT 2430 Electronic Devices and Circuits
- MFE 4710 Measurements and Instrumentation
- MFE XXXX Manufacturing Science & ERP
- CPS 1000 Ethics in Computer Science
- CPS 1191 Computer Science I
- CPS 1192 Computer Science II
- CPS 2215 Internet Web Essentials
- CPS 2300 Cybersecurity I
- CPS 3316 Computer Networks
- CPS 3300 Cybersecurity II
- CPS 3320 Database Systems
- CPS 4895 Senior Project
- CRJ 2210 Introduction to Criminal Justice