Title III Program
What is Title III?
Title III, Part B is a federal institutional development grant that provides financial assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to establish or strengthen their physical plants, financial management, academic resources, and endowment-building capacity. Activities may include student services, educational equipment acquisition, facility construction, and faculty and staff development. It is a formula-based discretionary grant made to the President.
Strengthening Institutions Program at Central State University
The U.S. Department of Education’s Institutional Service (IS) office within the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) administers the Title III Program. The Title III Program is focused on institutions that enroll large proportions of underrepresented students. It strengthens these institutions by:
- Improving academic quality
- Improving fiscal stability
- Improving the quality of student services
- Improving the quality of Institutional management
At Central State University, Title III support is used to:
- Enhance the quality of academic services.
- Increase student enrollment and qualified faculty and staff.
- Improve the financial stability of CSU.
- Facilitate alignment of the Institution with successful execution of strategic initiatives.
For more information on Title III at CSU, explore our web page or contact us via the information below.
Program abstracts
Central State University will use $5,442,687.00 of Title III funds in support of the following eleven (11) activities:
Activity 1: $659,119.00
Project Administration, Evaluation & Institutional Assessment (HBCU) — Manages Title III funds.
Activity 2: $981,417.00
Strengthening Student Services and Outcomes through Improving the Capacity of the Undergraduate Student Success Center (USSC) and the Office of Retention and Academic Success — Provides advising, tutoring, retention tracking, and social developmental.
Activity 3: $428,232.00
Strengthening Student Services and Outcomes through the Counseling Center — Helps students maintain emotional well-being.
Activity 4: $749,667.00
Strengthening Academic Quality through Improving the Office of Academic Planning and Assessment (OAPA) — Supports accreditation, curriculum, and faculty development.
Activity 5: $428,174.00
Strengthening Academic Quality through Professional Development Program for Health and Legal Professions — Advises and assists with preparation for graduate school.
Activity 6: $436,100.00
Strengthening Student Services and Outcomes through Development of the Teacher Education Advisement and Partnership Center (TEAP-C) — Supports the success of teacher education students.
Activity 7: $100,000.00
Strengthening Fiscal Stability Through the Capacity of an Endowment Fund — Creates an endowment to improve fiscal stability.
Activity 8: $1,000,000.00
Strengthening the Institution through Campus Enhancement of Instructional Spaces Maintenance Plan — Maintains and improves instructional spaces.
Activity 9: $509,978.00
Strengthening the Institution through the Honors College — Improve the University’s enrollment profile and its retention, graduation, and graduate placement rates.
Activity 10: $150,000.00
Strengthening Academic Success through Mentoring — Provides supplemental instruction.
Central State University will use $1,038,549.00 of Title III funds in support of the following four (4) activities:
Activity 1: $193,688.00
Strengthening Academic Quality through Development of the Center for International Education. This activity falls under the Title III LAA Category, Academic instruction in Disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented. Requested funding.
Activity 2: $513,274.00
Strengthening and Enhancing Online Course Engagement. This activity falls under the Title III LAA Category, Academic instruction in disciplines in which Black Americans are underrepresented. Requested funding.
Activity 3: $162,058.00
Strengthening the Academic Program through Enhancement of the Theatre Arts Program. Academic Instruction in Disciplines in which Black Americans are Underrepresented. Requested funding.
Activity 4: $169,529.00
Strengthening the Institution through Library Resource Enhancement. Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material. Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material. Requested funding.
Our staff
Contact us
Title III Office
Central State University
1400 Brush Row Road
Wilberforce, Ohio 45384