Title IX reporting
Reporting sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment
Do not wait to report conduct of concern until the conduct becomes sufficiently serious (i.e., severe, pervasive, or persistent) to create a hostile environment.
The Title IX Coordinator and deputy Title IX coordinators can take proactive steps to prevent the conduct from continuing and perhaps escalating, and to protect or otherwise assist the victim. For example, the University can arrange for no-contact orders, counseling, and changes in class schedules, living arrangements, class requirements, and testing schedules as needed. The Title IX Coordinator and deputy Title IX coordinators can also provide expertise and advice to help identify conduct that might be a warning sign of or constitute sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment prohibited by the University’s Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Discrimination Policy and to address any concern of complaints appropriately.
Central State University encourages victims of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and harassment to talk to someone about what happened so that they can get the support they need and the University can respond appropriately. Though Central State will keep reports confidential as possible, the University cannot guarantee the confidentiality of every report or complaint.

Reporting Confidentially
1. Reports to designated sexual assault care providers, such as professional licensed counselors (including the Central State University Counseling Center), professional medical healthcare providers (including the Student Health Center), and the University’s Interfaith Campus Ministry reverend are confidential in every respect, to the extent allowed by law.
- Professional licensed counselors who provide mental health counseling to the campus community, including any information about an incident to the Title IX coordinator.
- Students may utilize the Counseling Services, located in the Student Health Center, or call 937.376.6338 to schedule a confidential appointment.
- Students may contact the University’s Interfaith Campus Ministry Reverend at 937.376.6566.
- Off-campus resource: For 24-hour crisis help, call the Family Violence Prevention Center at 937.372.4552 or 937.426.2334.
A victim who speaks to a designated sexual assault care provider, a counselor, a doctor, or the University’s reverend must understand that if the victim wants to maintain confidentiality, Central State may be unable to conduct an investigation into the incident or pursue disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrator(s).
2. Reports to a responsible employee will not be absolutely confidential but will be handled in as confidential a manner as possible.
- All faculty and staff members are designated as responsible employees.
- When a complaint tells a responsible employee about an incident of sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment, the responsible employee must report to the Title IX coordinator all relevant details about the alleged sexual misconduct, discrimination, or harassment in writing.
- CSU will take prompt and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter in a timely and equitable manner.
- Information reported to a responsible employee will be shared only with people responsible for handling the University’s response to the report.
- Before a complainant reveals any information to a responsible employee, the responsible employee should ensure that the complainant understands the responsible employee’s reporting obligation.
- If the complainant wants to maintain strict confidentiality, the responsible employee will direct the complainant to confidential resources.
- If the complainant wants to tell the responsible employee what happened but also main confidentiality, the responsible employee will advise the complainant that the request will be considered, but no guarantee can be given that the University will be able to honor it. In reporting the details of the incident to the Title IX Coordinator, the responsible employee will also inform the Title IX Coordinator of the complainant’s request for confidentiality.
- In all cases the University will weigh its responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment against the complainant’s request for confidentiality.
- The complainant has the right to file both an internal complaint and a criminal complaint. In the interest of protecting the safety of the entire University community, in some cases, CSU may also inform the campus police of alleged criminal conduct, even in the absence of the complainant’s authorization.

Reports that are not considered “notice” to Central State University
Public awareness events such as Take Back the Night, survivor speaks outs or other forums, including social media and class discussions, in which students disclose incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and/or harassment are not considered notice to CSU of sexual misconduct, discrimination, and/or sexual harassment for purposes of triggering its obligation to investigate any particular incident(s), Such events may; however, inform the need for campus-wide education and prevention efforts, and CSU will provided information about students’ Title IX rights at these events.
Title IX Reporting Contact Information:
Human Resources – Title IX Office
Newsom Administration Building Suite 12
1400 Brush Row Road
P.O. Box 1004
Wilberforce, Ohio 45384
Phone: 937.376.6563

Investigation Requirements and Procedures
- All complaints of sexual misconduct, discrimination and/or harassment shall be presented to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator for investigation and appropriate disposition. The Title IX Coordinator must always be informed by a Deputy Title IX Coordinator of the receipt of a complaint.
- Complaints involving sexual misconduct, discrimination and/or harassment will be investigated by the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Title IX Investigator, or a qualified, sufficiently trained person appointed by the Title IX Coordinator.
- CSU will conduct an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation in a timely manner, providing the respondent and complainant equitable rights during the investigation process.
- Additional details regarding the investigation, adjudication, and appeal procedures are set forth in the Student Code of Conduct.
Interim Measures
In situations that require immediate action due to safety or other concerns, the University will take any reasonable administrative action, through interim measures, that is appropriate. In such situations, the Investigator is responsible for determining and implementing the interim measure(s), including time frames, after consulting with the Title IX Coordinator. Interim measures may be applied to one (1), both, or multiple parties involved. Examples of such interim measures include, but are not limited to:
- Ensuring that the complainant and respondent do not attend the same classes.
- Moving the complainant or respondent to a different residence hall or different workspaces.
- Providing access to counseling services.
- Providing or assisting in providing medical services; and
- Providing academic support services, such as tutoring.

Online resources
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO)
The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
Department of Justice: Office for the Victims of Crime
Additional resources
Greene County- Community Resource List
Title IX Reporting Form
Witness Rights Disclosure Form
Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy (9)