Web Requests
We value your website feedback and ideas. If you want to suggest changes or additional information for your department or college webpage, please choose your area of work or study from the list below to contact your content champion directly.
If you have updates to the list of content champions, email webteam@centralstate.edu.
Content Champions
Marilyn Stepney | mstepney@centralstate.edu
Erika Sams | esams@centralstate.edu
Esther Cartwright | ecartwright@centralstate.edu
Bobbie Bowling | bbowling@centralstate.edu
Trio Student Support Services | Mortenous Johnson | mjohnson@centralstate.edu
Trio Student Support Services | Devin Kenerson | dkenerson1@centralstate.edu
Trio Upward Bound | John Anene | janene@centralstate.edu
Graduate School Preparation Program | Tracy Watts-Coleman | twatts-coleman@centralstate.edu
Administration and Finance | Sheila Brown | sbrown@centralstate.edu
General Counsel and Board of Trustees Office | Elizabeth “Lisa” Nash | enash@centralstate.edu
Human Resources | Na Kisia Thompson | nthompson@centralstate.edu
Information Technology | Lee McKarns | lmckarns@centralstate.edu
Information Technology | Jason Bromfield | jbroomfield@centralstate.edu
Institutional Advancement | Alissa Paolella | apaolella@centralstate.edu
Police Department | Stephanie Hill | shill2@centralstate.edu
Admissions | Dr. Tammi Love | tlove17@centralstate.edu
Enrollment Management | Rita Thomas | rthomas@centralstate.edu
Keturah Bailey | kbailey@centralstate.edu
E. Talley Pittman | etalleypittman@centralstate.edu
Rita Thomas | rthomas@centralstate.edu
Workforce Development | Ashley Browning | abrowning@centralstate.edu
COB | Marvin Reid | mreid@centralstate.edu
COB | Dr. Fred Aikens | faikens@centralstate.edu
MBA | Michael Simmons | msimmons@centralstate.edu
College of Humanities | Ja'Nel Ismel | jishmel@centralstate.edu
College of Humanities | Evan Ellis | eellis@centralstate.edu
Performing Arts | | Jennifer Cruz | jcuz@centralstate.edu
Fine Arts and Communications, Composition, and Languages | Beth Reeves | breeves@centralstate.edu
Mass Communications Center and Marauder Land Media Group | Stanley Jefferson | sjefferson@centralstate.edu
Professional Education | Lap Nguyen | lnguyen@centralstate.edu
School of Agricultural Education and Food Science | Jonathan Henry | jhenry@centralstate.edu
Teacher Education Advisement and Partnership Center | Nathan Boles | nboles@centralstate.edu
Trasenna Gray | tgray@centralstate.edu
Angela Owens | aowens@centralstate.edu
LaTonnia Landon-Moorer | llandon-moorer@centralstate.edu
Pete Day | pday@centralstate.edu
Laverne Wallace | lwallace@centralstate.edu
Carolin Sterling | csterling@centralstate.edu
Connie Helmuth | chelmuth@centralstate.edu
Karen Mathews | kmathews@centralstate.edu
Dr. Sarah Armstrong Jones | sjones@centralstate.edu
Agricultural and Life Sciences | Leanne Petry | lpetry@centralstate.edu
Central State University Army ROTC | Waddy De La Cruz | wdelacruz@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Denise Brown | dbrown3@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Anishiya Ramanitharan | aramanitharan@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Dr. Brandy Phipps | bphipps@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Cyril Ibe | cibe@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Crystal Duckett | cduckett@centralstate.edu
College of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Agriculture | Mark Rendleman | mrendleman@centralstate.edu
Water Resources Management | Danielle Davis | ddavis@centralstate.edu
Agriculture and Natural Resources | Alcinda Folck | afolck@centralstate.edu
Community and Economic Development | Mark Rendleman | mrendleman@centralstate.edu
Family and Consumer Science | Renita Porter | rporter@centralstate.edu
Land-Grant | Mohammadreza Hadizadeh | mhadizadeh@centralstate.edu
Land-Grant | Mubbashar Khan | mkhan@centralstate.edu
Land-Grant | Cyril Ibe | cibe@centralstate.edu
Land-Grant | Crystal Duckett | cduckett@centralstate.edu
Research and Economic Development | Dr. Sakthi Kumaran Subburayalu | ssubburayalu@centralstate.edu
Seed to Bloom Botanical and Community Garden | Clare Thorn | cthorn@centralstate.edu
Sponsored Programs and Research | Thomi Brown-Frazier | tbrownfrazier@centralstate.edu
Sponsored Programs and Research | Bobbie Bowling | bbowling@centralstate.edu
4-H Program | Prosper Doamekpor | pdoamekpor@centralstate.edu
Northeast and Northwest Extension | Kelly Beers kbeers@centralstate.edu
Regional Extension | Eric Smith | esmith2@centralstate.edu
Southwest Extension | Brooke Foster | bfoster@centralstate.edu
Southwest Extension | bfoster@centralstate.edu
Southeast Extension | Leslie Horner | lhorner@centralstate.edu
Southeast Extension | Shelby Clark | sclark@centralstate.edu
Southern Extension | James Keys | jkeys@centralstate.edu
Marauder Leadership and Engagement | Jessica Ngoie-Thomas | jngoie@centralstate.edu
Justyn Fry | jfry@centralstate.edu
DeBora Duckett | dduckett@centralstate.edu
Dr. Ryan Griffin | rgriffin@centralstate.edu
OASIS | Terron Dames | tdames@centralstate.edu
Student Access and Retention Center | LaKeysha Smith | lsmith1@centralstate.edu
Student Access and Retention Center | Joi'e White | jwhite51@centralstate.edu