Research Connection podcasts highlight conversations with new Central State University president

By Central State University Communications
Posted Jul 25 2024
morakinyo a.o. kuti with a maroon and gold striped tie using broadcast equipment for a podcast

Central State University Land-Grant Communications recently released two episodes of its Research Connection podcast with Dr. Morakinyo A.O. Kuti, the 10th President of Central State University. 

In Episode 1, Kuti reflects on his 35-year employment at Central State University, rising through the ranks to become CSU's 10th President on July 1, 2024. In this first of two episodes, Dr. Kuti reflects on being vice president for Research and Economic Development and director of 1890 Land-Grant Programs, and shares expectations of his successor to boost the University's reputation as a research Institution.

"My advice to my successor is: you have the defined plans; make sure you give your employees all the tools and resources necessary for them to do the best that they can. Reward people who do their job and hold people accountable, or provide assistance for them, if they are not doing their job."

Listen to Episode 1

In Episode 2, the President shares his aspirations to ensure "thousands of alumni, thousands of individuals ... attain the power of education and use that power to change their individual lives, their families, and their communities."

Listen to Episode 2