Program Review
Program Review
Program Review is an important process at Central State University (CSU) that provides an opportunity for us to reflect upon and demonstrate our effectiveness to ourselves, our students, our accrediting agencies, and the various communities we serve. It is a faculty-governed process that produces information useful for decision-making at every level-program, department, college, and the university as a whole. Consequently, systematic program review is a process in which all academic programs (majors) participate, either through an internal review process or through external accreditation reviews.
Program review enables CSU to examine the effectiveness of all its academic programs and to strengthen and maintain the university's curriculum by generating and pursuing informed recommendations related to student learning, program design, faculty effectiveness, and resource allocation aimed at achieving the University’s mission and addressing the presidential priorities.
Three basic assumptions that underpin Program Review
- Program review is a faculty-governed formative assessment and summative evaluation process that incorporates qualitative and quantitative evidence (data) to support assertions made in the written report. As a formative assessment, program review provides feedback to encourage improvement. As a summative evaluation, it is a measure of how well the program meets the expectations outlined in the rubric.
- Quality is not easily defined or evaluated. Nevertheless, quality is indicated through such things as demonstrated student achievement, faculty accomplishments, curricular design, resource management, and ongoing planning, assessment, evaluation, and program improvement.
- Program review is a self-examination process designed to assist academic departments in improving their academic programs and better serving their students. Consequently, unsupported assertions or comments are discouraged, and candid analysis of the data, with a focus on program improvement, must characterize all program reviews. Programs that focus solely on their positive aspects or claim excellence in all areas will have difficulty meeting this important assumption.