Assessment of University Student Learning Outcomes in General Education
Assessment of University Learning Outcomes
Central State University provides students with a strong liberal arts education that prepares them with 21st Century knowledge and skills to succeed in their careers and become lifelong learners. As an 1890 land-grant institution, Central State’s mission is to prepare students with diverse backgrounds for success in their lives and careers. The University’s required general education curriculum, the Marauder Lifestyle and Marauder Foundation, reflects this commitment.
CSU’s Marauder Lifestyle helps students adjust to college while preparing for life and careers. The Marauder Lifestyle prepares students through courses that address physical well-being, academic and social adjustment, use of information technology, personal responsibility and fiscal awareness, and psychological health.
The Marauder Lifestyle is guided by CSU’s University Student Learning Outcome of Health and Wellness: Apply effective strategies to promote and maintain physical and mental health, academic and social adjustment, and economic and information literacy.
Requirements: Undergraduate Success Seminar (1 credit)
Physical Activity (1 credit )
The Marauder Foundation is guided by CSU’s University Student Learning Outcomes. These are:
• Communicate effectively in both written and oral situations.
• Think critically and apply the habits of inquiry and analysis to various situations.
• Demonstrate an awareness of the roles cultural and social factors play in human achievement, especially for people of African and African American heritage.
• Apply quantitative and scientific reasoning to understanding human experience and the natural world.
Foundation Requirements University Student Learning
Outcomes AssessedENG 1100 or ENG 1101 Effective Communication, Critical Thinking (Based on
placement results, 4-5
credits, “C” or better required)MTH 1750, MTH 1550 or Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning, Critical
STEM math option (3 credits) ThinkingOne course from Awareness of the Role of Social & Cultural HIS 1110, HIS 1121, Cultural Values, Critical Thinking
His 1122, PSY 1200 or
SOC 1105 (3 credits) * -
Bridge Course Requirements University Student Learning Outcomes Assessed
ENG 1102 (4 credits, “C” Effective Communication, Critical
or better required) Thinking, Awareness of the Role of Social & Cultural Values3-6 credits in Humanities courses Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Awareness of the Role of Social & Cultural Values
3-6 credits in Social Science Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Awareness of the Role of Social & Cultural Values
6 credits in Natural & Physical Sciences Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning,
Critical Thinking, Effective CommunicationAdditional hours are to be selected from Humanities, Natural & Physical Sciences, Social & Behavioral Sciences, or STEM math options,
in consultation with an academic advisor. Minimum combined Core/Bridge hours = 36.